Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Great weekend!

I really love summer time. The heat doesn't bother me & the older I get, the more I can't stand the cold! :) So I'm trying to enjoy summer as much as possible!

Friday night I went to my friend Connie's house for dinner and then to see The Ugly Truth with Katherine Heigl. She is so dang cute! Of course she looked great throughout the movie. The movie was funny, some rude/crude parts, but if you can overlook that, it was good!

Saturday I did the flea market with mom & my sister and then I ran errands the rest of the day. Saturday night came it was time to see Wicked! I have been anxiously awaiting this for quite some time! Eric & I had tickets, but he is still gone, so I took my mom. She doesn't get out much since she takes care of her mom, so I was really glad she could come! It was fantastic. Story was great, as well as the music. The wicked witch straight-up belted it the whole show, we loved it! Eric wants to get tix again & go when he gets back, he was so mad he couldn't make it, so now I'm looking forward to going a 2nd time!

Today I went to church & then went with my mom, grandma & sister over to Porter, OK to get some peaches! They are just the best and the orchard store has other great veggies too. So feel free to pass on any good peach or okra recipes :)

So overall, a great summer weekend!! Still waiting patiently for Eric to get home, he is scheduled to be in on the 6th. Makes for 4.5 weeks gone! Crazy.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great week!!!

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