I flew to LA last week, yes it was a last minute trip to visit the hubs while he is away for work.
I had just gotten my order from Amazon in that had been delayed by the blizzard & I thought the flights to LA & back would be a perfect time to knock out Pioneer Woman's new book, Black Heels to Tractor Wheels, before I went to her book signing in a couple of weeks.
1. I had not read any of this story on her blog. I just prefer to read stories in book form :) So I was doubley excited to start it.
2. I ALWAYS sleep on flights. Even Tulsa to Dallas. Transportation=sleep to me if its over 20 minutes, whether planes, trains or automobiles.
My opinion of the book is.....it was fantastic!! Let me just say I read the entire book from start to finish between Tulsa & LA. I have never finished a book that quick. I forgot I was even on an airplane and was living her life for appx 5-6 hrs that day. It didn't even occur to me to stop and take a nap. And I laughed out loud several times.
I enjoyed it so much because:
A. I can relate to her view on things, she is just better at putting things in to words than I am.
B. I love cowboys, country sunsets, dirt roads, & open pastures so reading about them makes me happpy.
C. I also love sushi, black heels, lipstick & living half a mile from Pei Wei.
D. I can also relate to MM's personality and his lifestyle since I lived on a ranch for 12 years. With cattle. And branding. And birthing. And other gross things.
E. I am even more impressed with MM after reading this than when I met him in person last year :)
Its a book I can read multiple times I think just for sheer entertainment. And its a feel good story with lots of great one-liners on her part :)
Obviously, her decision to skip out on Chicago was a good one :)
And I had nothing to read on my flight back home, so I slept!