I'm officially obsessed. About 10 years late, I know.
I haven't read the books.
I hadn't seen any of the movies until approximately 2006, when Eric suggested we watch them all that were out at the time.
I didn't have anything against them, just didn't think they were my cup of tea. HA. I'm an idiot.
So we watched them and continued to go see them in the theater. I wasn't any more excited to see them than any other movie that came out.
Then a couple months ago the final movie was really being hyped & it was in the media more, etc. Eric suggested we watch them all in our media room & do sort of a marathon over a couple of weeks. I thought it would be fun so I ordered them off Amazon and away we went to Hogwarts.
I'm not sure if it was watching them all so close together, the atmosphere in our media room, or both, but I became totally engrossed with Harry, Ron & Hermione. I think its because they literally grew up before my eyes on the screen.
Harry started off so timid and cute. Ron was awkward and cute in a funny sort of way. Hermione was tough skinned but a big softie on the inside and a very pretty little girl at that, who just got prettier. (And has nice skin, according to Ron :) )

I loved the fantasy, creativity, magic, the spells, and watching crushes develop between the characters. Watching them made me feel 13 all over again, which was somewhat torturous, but nice at the same time :)
We just saw the final movie tonight, 3D IMAX, yes! We arrived an hour & a half early, to a line that had already formed. Luckily we weren't too far back. As we were waiting for the movie to start, you could feel the excitement in the theater. I haven't had that feeling in a movie ever I don't think! Eric then commented, as I was thinking it, that he felt like he was waiting for a big ride to start at a theme park. You're excited, but you don't quite know what is in store.
So it started and the whole theater was silent & eyes glued the ENTIRE movie. Not a peep, word sneeze...nothing...even from any kids, during the entire show. Amazing.
Let me just say it was the most suspenseful, full of twists, highs & lows, than any of the rest. I loved it.
And I kind of have a celebrity crush on Harry/Daniel. Just a smidge :) He's all grown up!

And I would just like to give Ron/Rupert a hug.
And a photo with all 3 of them would be lovely.
So now I am totally bummed there will be no more movies. I ordered the books last week and they came Friday. I am halfway through the first one, so I fully intend to proceed through them quickly! Kind of sucks since I know the story, but I'm excited anyway.
At least there is the theme park for Eric & I to go enjoy the imaginary world of Hogwarts & Diagon Alley :)
To J.K. Rowling & Harry Potter, thanks for helping me remember to use my imagination, to see what true friends do for each other, to always do the right thing even if you break a rule, and for making me regress and feel like a 13 yr old going through these stories. It is a good age to remember :)